Jon Eks Solo

Ep. 372: FINALE

This is it. The last episode. This show debuted on March 18, 2014 with three episodes – Mike Gaughan, Cindy Sovine, and Jason “Bird” Calloway were my guests – which means that this show has been active for a week shy of 11 years. 372 numbered episodes, 421 total episodes, and 444 blog posts later,…

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Ep. 356: Jon Eks Solo – Let’s Catch Up!

Hi there! It’s been a hot minute since I’ve been on this page. Where have I been? I’m glad you asked! I left one show I was doing back in July and decided I needed some anonymous downtime. I had some surgery. I’ve been focusing on client work. Mostly I’ve just enjoyed laying low and…

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Ep. 342: Solo – The Joy Is In The Grind

On this solo episode of the show, I talk about how true creative freedom and fulfillment comes from the grind. It’s counterintuitive, but we all have hours to fill in a day. If we fill those hours with work that we find meaningful, challenging, and enjoyable, our lives are thereby much more fulfilling. This is…

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Ep. 335: Jon Eks Solo – An Ode to Summer

Summer is my favorite season by far. And it’s this time of year that I start to feel a tinge of melancholy because I know this magical time is ending, which also happens to coincide with my birthday. Why do I love summer so much? I answer that question from as many angles as possible…

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Ep. 330: Jon Eks Solo – 40 Is a Mindf*ck

I’m not going to bore you with a lot of text here. I’ve been 40 years old for about 10 months and it’s a total mindfuck for two reasons: Ideally you have the freedom to be who you most want to be and the resources to achieve that; You are out of excuses for your…

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Ep. 323: The 8th Anniversary Mailbag Spectacular!

I’d say it’s hard to believe it’s been 8 years since I started this show, but that’s a complete lie. I think about this show constantly, and anyone who’s ever produced content regularly for any extended length of time knows it lives in your head to whatever degree pretty much all the time. That photo…

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Ep. 316: Jon Eks Solo – Death to Snark

As we roll into 2022 in earnest, the cultural mood seems to be pure shit. Beloved celebrities are dying, a huge chunk of our state turned into a damn tinderbox, grocery workers are on strike, and this godforsaken virus continues to hang around like a party guest that just won’t fucking leave even though we’ve…

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Ep. 304: Jon Eks Solo and in a Creative Funk

This show has grinded to a halt. Literally, I’m having a hard time generating any momentum with potential guests, my writing process is laborious and tortured, and while I have plenty of TIME, the ideas simply ain’t coming. So, this week is an attempted exorcism. I turned on the mics before I could mentally set…

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Ep. 300: Jon Eks Solo – Celebrating a (Quasi) Milestone

Since we’re sort of at a milestone, I thought it a good time to pause and reflect on where we are and where we’ve been. In truth, this is my 351st episode which doesn’t usually warrant any kind of notable extra action. But since we’re at 300 in terms of the ones I’ve numbered, let’s…

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Ep. 289: Solo Episode – Mailbag, Conspiracies & Competition

It’s been a hot second since last we did a Mailbag episode, so I figured it was time for one. And I was wrong! I only got one question! Usually I get a nice deluge of them, but apparently you’re all busy living your lives, and I don’t begrudge you that. Hell, I’m vaccinated, the…

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