Rumpy Pumpy


The world is a fucking weird place that is confusing, frustrating, beautiful, filled with irony, and sometimes rewarding. This is the end of our infertility story. *** February 21 – I had a shit day. After traveling on my holiday off on Monday, I spent three days in one of our field offices conducting a…

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For no reason in particular, here are 17 random, non-sequential, potentially offensive, almost assuredly bizarre, and otherwise interesting thoughts about all manner of sexually related things. Enjoy your Friday, and here’s hoping you find your preferred partner ready and willing to rub up against you in that way you like this weekend. (Outside of maybe…

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When I was 10, I asked my mom to take me to Budget Tapes and CDs to buy me the new Color Me Badd album, C.M.B. As this was 1991, and Tipper Gore was still fresh in every parent’s mind espousing the horrible sexual and violent content of today’s music artists, I stood in horror…

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When you undergo fertility treatments (mine was by far the most fun and didn’t involve anyone sticking anything inside me, which was not the case for my wife), the doctor then compiles the results of all those tests, reviews them with you, and provides you several options for next steps. One of those options is…

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“Welp, I’m heading in here to masturbate,” said no one, ever. Yet, you might as well declare that when you get your sperm tested. It’s a wholly unique exercise that I’m happy to demystify for you since the majority of what I read online wasn’t helpful in the least. So, if you ever have to…

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On behalf of men everywhere, I’d just like to say: Thank you, Lululemon. You have given us yet another spectacular way of enjoying the female form. We are eternally grateful for your wonderful yoga pants, and we wish for the continued success and prosperity of your company. May this trend of hot women wearing form…

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Pop quiz: What is the item you can seek to purchase at an adult novelty (read: sex toy) store and feel the least amount of shame about? Answer: Fertility friendly personal lubricant. Nothing else even comes close. The lingerie is incredibly trashy, the bachelor/bachelorette party supplies are all patently ridiculous (for those of you resisting…

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“Here’s a hypothetical scenario: Would you rather give up cheese for the rest of your life – no cheese in any form ever – or oral sex, both giving and receiving?” asked our friend Amy recently over dinner. “Cheese,” Kristin and I both said in tandem with little thought and without even having to look…

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In a former life, I used to rant and rave about how much I hated I still hate it considering that site is nothing more than reductive, unnuanced claptrap written by a team of remarkably stupid and sexist chimpanzees. While researching a piece I was writing, I felt somewhat vindicated in my assumptions about…

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