
Links to all the blog posts that have appeared on Jon of All Trades and Eks Axis.

Workout Song of the Moment #9

Since my fat ass has actually been going to the gym consistently, I’ve had to add several songs to my workout rotation. What will follow is a periodic update of whichever song has given me added juice on the lifting machines or elliptical trainer. Download these yourselves and enjoy. “Zombies Ate My Neighbors” – Single…

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I watched Seeking a Friend for the End of the World recently, and enjoyed it. It’s funny and quirky and sad and sort of all over the place tone-wise. I suppose that makes sense considering the subject is the apocalypse, and among the people you know (and don’t know), their reactions would also be sort…

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My microbrew obsession is simply the newest outgrowth of my punk rock obsession. On the AV Club, Jason Heller has started a new series called “Fear of a Punk Decade” which chronicles the punk rock revival of the 1990s. Only one installment in, and it’s already one of my favorite recurring columns the AV Club…

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I have a bachelor’s and master’s degree in communication. I wrote a 100 page thesis about constitutive rhetoric. I manage regional public and media relations for a $20+ billion company in our largest regional office with more than 800 employees in the state. I scored 1300 on my SATs and 1220 on the GRE exam….

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You can divide the world into two types of people, he said, aware that he was beginning his blog post with an incredibly hoary old cliché. There are those who enjoy drinking an occasional beer while in the shower, and those who are simply too boring, too uncreative, or too repressed to live their lives…

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Kristin now works for a travel company, which I suspect will yield a multitude of fringe benefits for us both. Case in point, the company asked Kristin to tag along on the first leg of one of their bus tours this weekend that started in Denver with a stay at the Brown Palace and commenced…

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Workout Song of the Moment #8

Since my fat ass has actually been going to the gym consistently, I’ve had to add several songs to my workout rotation. What will follow is a periodic update of whichever song has given me added juice on the lifting machines or elliptical trainer. Download these yourselves and enjoy. “The Number of the Beast” –…

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My wife, my best friend and I went to the Rockstar Energy Drink Mayhem Festival at Fiddler’s Green this year. Headlining this year’s Mayhem Festival was Rob Zombie with Five Finger Death Punch, Mastodon, and Amon Amarth supporting. Lawn tickets were reasonably priced, concessions were outrageously overpriced, and the metal was face melting. I love…

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Not really a post, but something I just wanted to share because I’ve watched this maybe 25 times this week, and there are still no signs of me slowing down. Out of nowhere, and with no explanation, my friend Jamie sends me a YouTube link via text. I’m not in a good place to open…

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“This will have a bit of preamble here, so bear with me. I grew up listening to punk rock, and there’s a lot about it I still love – the aesthetic, the spirit, the DIY attitude – but it often came at the expense of hating everything else. I listen to a podcast called “WTF…

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