
Links to all the blog posts that have appeared on Jon of All Trades and Eks Axis.


In a former life, I used to rant and rave about how much I hated I still hate it considering that site is nothing more than reductive, unnuanced claptrap written by a team of remarkably stupid and sexist chimpanzees. While researching a piece I was writing, I felt somewhat vindicated in my assumptions about…

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The Colorado Rockies have announced Walt Weiss as their new manager today, someone I like immensely and wish all the success to. Here is a post about the Rockies’ 2012 season I wrote shortly after the season ended. *** I think the only Colorado Rockies season I enjoyed less than this one was 2005. That…

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I stopped being such an insufferable music shitass in 2010. I fancied myself a music nerd in college, but aggressively hated 90% of all music for no good reason. That’s probably the worst thing about being a punk rock fan. Unless something falls within a very narrow aesthetic definition, you pretty much hate it on…

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I am not as good at Bejeweled as my wife is. No husband is. I’ve asked. Wives are universally better than their husbands at this game, and basically any other game on your smartphone. Stick a lady in front of Madden or Halo, she’s Simple Jack from Tropic Thunder. Give her your iPhone and some…

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I remember the most important election of our generation. It’s every election of our generation. At least, that’s what they tell us. Every year they dial up the hyperbole and we’re forced to choose between, depending on who you listen to, an antichrist who will condemn this country to a fiery doom and spiral us…

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