
Links to all the blog posts that have appeared on Jon of All Trades and Eks Axis.


Three years ago Kristin and I saw John Heffron at the Comedy Works downtown. He put on a reliably good set as we’d expected considering this was the second time we’d seen him. And then a fight broke out in the audience. Do you have any idea how trashy you have to be to get…

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Written at 11:54 am, Tuesday, January 22, 2013 Well, that was pretty much the worst thing that’s ever happened to me. Without dancing around this too much, here’s what you’re getting in for if you decide to read the rest of this, in plain, declarative form: I dropped my work ID badge into a toilet…

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What happened here? That’s ¾ of a swastika I found carved into some wood above a urinal at a restaurant in Carson City, NV. Who the hell carves almost an entire swastika into something and then gives up? Can you imagine being this guy? Pulling out his Swiss Army Knife and trying to scrawl this…

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I snapped this photo at Cherry Creek Mall. This hangs above that crazy play area where little kids run and play on big plastic-y structures of Looney Tunes characters. I have not been in there, but I imagine this play area to be extremely sticky, which is probably why some poor team of janitors has…

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Thanks to recent events in my professional life, I seem to be made of pure hate these days. I breathe distilled anger and shoot rage out of my glaring, black eye sockets. I’m on the verge of a panic attack roughly 95% of the time and feel my muscles vibrate as the resentment, frustration and…

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So this show “1600 Penn” is starting and is billed as “NBC’s answer to Modern Family!” First, anytime a show is billed as “whoever’s answer to whatever,” that show invariably is going to suck. “Modern Family” was successful because it was a fresh take on the traditional family sitcom with crisp jokes, brisk pacing and…

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Today, this year’s inductees for the Baseball Hall of Fame are announced, and this will most likely be the first empty class since 1996. As fucking stupid as this is (and it is), it’s only emboldened by didactic fatheads who think their job is not solely to write about expensive diversions for a living, but…

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There’s a special moment in every homeowner’s life where his neighbor emerges from his garage that directly faces yours, and you think: “How have I lived here three goddamn years and never seen this person before?” In my little cluster of townhomes, there are like 64 different residents, and I know maybe four of them….

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I love being in the city. Kristin and I recently went to San Francisco where I had a work conference. I always appreciate when work obligations happen in good tourism cities because I’ll typically tack a couple of days onto the end of the trip and enjoy the city at a fraction of the cost….

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Thanks to a recent conversation on Facebook with my friend Dustin and his friend Casey, I have been thinking about irony and authenticity a lot. Here are some of the contributing factors to my thoughts about these topics.

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