This week’s guest features, for the first time, a sibling of one of our former guests. Ryan Nee is a world traveler, and also happens to be the younger brother of William Nee, China Researcher for Amnesty International, from Episode 21. The Nee Family is international, by God! This is the very first two-part episode in Jon of All Trades history, and the first part drops on Wednesday, February 11. Why two parts? Because when your guest has traveled to Cuba, North Korea, all throughout the Asian third world, and to a grand total of 58 countries, you need time to cover all that ground.
This week’s episode finds Ryan and Jon discussing his recent trip to Cuba at great length as Ryan talks about what it’s like trying to find an iPhone charger on the Cuban black market, the bizarre hoops he had jump through just to get there, the experience of getting robbed at knifepoint (it’s his fourth time getting robbed in another country), and why wasting away on a beach is not the vacation for him. It’s a fascinating chat filled with a lot of laughs, insight into a place many Americans haven’t experienced, and a ton of fun digressions. For a snapshot into Ryan’s experiences, be sure to check out his thorough, and totally engrossing, blog Ryan Goes Around the World.
Join us on Wednesday, February 11 for the first part of the chat. Then join us next week for discussions of North Korea, traveling throughout the third world, and where Ryan hopes to go next. You can ensure you won’t miss a single minute by subscribing on iTunes, or streaming on Stitcher.