This week’s guests are Ryan Frost and Brad Haag, co-hosts and creators of the Reel Nerds Podcast. My goal with each episode is to give you insight into a variety of different jobs, how to succeed in those jobs, and where these jobs originate. I am a podcaster, but I realized I almost never talk about the act of podcasting. In this week’s episode, I talk with Ryan and Brad about the origins of their podcast, what it’s like to see at least one new movie per week for over three years, and how you interview people you don’t even necessarily know. The Reel Nerds were an inspiration to me as I started my own podcast, so it’s an honor to chat with them and to peek behind the scenes of their show.
Also, be sure to check me out on their show this week talking about Expendables 3, the death of Robin Williams, shit I’ve been watching, and a whole lot more. It’s not just one podcast this week, it’s two! I cross over with the Reel Nerds, and we create nothing but goodness.
Join us this Wednesday, August 20th, for a cinematic chat about all the ins and outs of what it takes to call yourselves movie nerds, and how you create a successful podcast that’s thrived for more than 3 years. Stream us on Stitcher, or download us on iTunes.