This week’s guest is Kersti Bryan, successful New York-based actress and all-around ray of sunshine. I’ve known Kersti since I was 17, and although we don’t frequently get a chance to connect, when we do, we pick up quickly right where we left off. You get an immediate sense for that on this week’s show as we talk about everything from Jane Austen to what happens when you’re delivering a Shakespearean monologue in Fenway Park when the alarms go off to how she handles auditions to uncertainty about moving away from home to being the dead girl on the CBS show “Elementary.” This is a longish chat that we continued once the mics were off for several hours more. We laugh, we dive deep, we curse (a lot), and we have a fun and stimulating chat. You’ll dig it, and you can hear it on iTunes, Stitcher, or the Jon of All Trades homepage on Wednesday, November 12. See you then!