Ep. 360: Jeff Suskin & Shalisa Pouw of DiningOut

Jeff Suskin is Executive Producer at DiningOut and he's the guest on Ep. 360 of the Jon of All Trades Podcast debuting March 6, 2024.
Jeff Suskin is Executive Producer at DiningOut and he’s the guest on Ep. 360 of the Jon of All Trades Podcast debuting March 6, 2024.

Back in 2019, I reconnected with Shalisa Pouw – a friend from elementary school – and we talked about her work as a Denver Nuggets dancer, in the fitness industry, and for DiningOut. That episode can be found here.

She’s back, and she’s brought her husband Jeff Suskin with her as I talk to the two head honchos of DiningOut about the devastating effects of the pandemic on their live event business, how marketing is actually a conversation with your customers, their growth into new markets, and, oh yeah, their incredible events. They put on some of Denver’s (and now Houston’s!) coolest events like Top Taco, Chicken Fight, and RARE – Denver’s Steak Championship. We also talk about the wild success of their unhinged brainchild The Wedding Party.

It’s a packed episode with two of Denver’s coolest cats and most epic party throwers. You can find all of their links at DiningOut.com

This episode is available on iTunes, streaming on Spotify, on podcatchers everywhere or at the Jon of All Trades homepage.

9 comments on “Ep. 360: Jeff Suskin & Shalisa Pouw of DiningOut

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