Ep. 349: Ryan Nanni – Professional Podcast Guest

Ryan Nanni is trying to appear on as many podcasts as possible in 2023 and I help him with that as he's the guest on Ep. 349 of the Jon of All Trades Podcast debuting May 24, 2023.
Ryan Nanni is trying to appear on as many podcasts as possible in 2023 and I help him with that as he’s the guest on Ep. 349 of the Jon of All Trades Podcast debuting May 24, 2023.

I only know Ryan Nanni from Twitter – he’s @celebrityhottub – and I don’t really know him. I only know that his tweets consistently make me laugh and he’s someone I’m happy exists in my feed. So one night I happened to check out his full profile, and found this pinned tweet:

Pay dirt! I emailed him a brief pitch, we got our schedules aligned, and Bob’s your uncle. He’s on the show! It’s one of the weirder interviews I’ve done only in the sense that I didn’t really prepare for it and had no idea where the conversation would go. I usually structure these things a bit more, but decided to say screw it and just talk with this due who’s made me laugh over the interwebs for years. So what did we talk about? Here’s a brief snapshot:

  • Thoughts on the CSU Rams football program and the overall state of college football in 2023.
  • The impact of Deion Sanders on the CU Buffs and the burden of raised expectations.
  • Why the show Succession is actually very similar to It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia.
  • Why the cowboy hats in Nashville are anachronistic relative to the rest of the South.
  • Why it’s ok for me to despise Devin Booker’s punchable face in the privacy of my own home, but not in person.
  • The 2010 movie The A-Team and why it rules (Ryan’s never seen it).
  • And yes, some talk about work, entrepreneurship, raising young children and all that other “real life” hogwash that defines us existentially. Whatever.

I was thrilled with the chat because he was immediately a dude I vibed with. We shared a ton of genuine laughs, gave each other some insights, and I helped him put another notch in his belt toward the absurd goal of guesting on as many podcasts as possible in 2023. Win-win-win!

Follow Ryan on Twitter and Instagram. And check out his own podcast The Shutdown Fullcast (ostensibly about college football with a strong tendency to meander).

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