Ep. 348: Peaches ‘n Diesel – Instagram Famous

Peaches 'n Diesel has created two incredibly popular Instagram profiles and is the guest on Ep. 348 of the Jon of All Trades Podcast debuting April 26, 2023.
Peaches ‘n Diesel has created two incredibly popular Instagram profiles and is the guest on Ep. 348 of the Jon of All Trades Podcast debuting April 26, 2023.

I work out at the same time and same gym as Peaches ‘n Diesel. Of course, that’s not how I know her, but one of our instructors (thank you, Jackie!) hipped me to her Instagram page. I was instantly taken with it. I then found out her dog, Jolene the Dolly Doodle was even more famous than she was and had been around the world in viral fame.

She agreed to come on the show to talk about how her viral fame came and everything that went with it, and what resulted was a fascinating conversation. She tells me how much work is actually involved in creating these silly little posts, how many offers she gets a day, where she finds inspiration, how monetization works, and a ton more. If you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to make money from your social media – both the good and the bad of it – this is your show. We have a ton of laughs along the way, trade stories as content creators, and basically have a great conversation. And all of this despite the fact that we’re not in workout clothes or wearing our headbands (just listen in – it’ll make sense).

You can find her at her Peaches ‘n Diesel Instagram page, and Jolene at hers.

This episode is available on iTunes, streaming on Spotify, on podcatchers everywhere or at the Jon of All Trades homepage.

6 comments on “Ep. 348: Peaches ‘n Diesel – Instagram Famous

  1. Chris says:

    We are Peaches UBER FANS in our household!! She has gotten us through A LOT recently and she brings us SO MUCH JOY!!
    Thank you for having her on your show!!

    1. Jon says:

      Thanks for the comment and for listening! She’s an absolute delight and it was my pleasure to host her on my show.

  2. Christine Parisi says:

    Great interview! Thoroughly enjoy your IG page and you always make me laugh.

  3. Laura says:

    Love Peaches and Diesel! Funny content and witty!

  4. Great podcast! I LOVE Peaches and Jolene, and have been following her for the last couple of years. I feel like she is my good friend. I just realized that I didn’t know her real name!

  5. Janelle Bode says:

    I absolutely love her. There aren’t enough people that have Amazing outlooks like her! We should all be so lucky to have a family dynamic like theirs! Everyone takes themselves WAY too seriously these days. I love messing around and putting on stupid outfits! I was actually a COVID housewife for Halloween the first year. there’s a very small world where our sarcasm can live

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