Ep. 317: Laurie Gilbertson – CEO of Tribeca Blue Consulting

Laurie Gilbertson is a former New York City sex crimes, organized crime, and homicide prosecutor, television legal analyst, educator, and entrepreneur. As the owner of Tribeca Blue Consulting, she helps professionals communicate with clarity, confidence, and creativity in their public speaking, presentations, trial work, and media appearances.

On this week’s show Laurie and I talk shop! As a fellow media and presentation trainer, Laurie and I get to share the joys, the challenges, and the oddities of our line of work. We tackle why people hate public speaking. We talk about why people are actually nervous about presenting. We chat about the unbelievable weirdness of doing live television. And we implore you – BEG YOU, really – not to get up in front of people and read us your crappy PowerPoint slides. Laurie has incredible insight into the world of trial lawyers, of television analysis, and or what makes a good presenter. It’s a joy of a chat, and whether you love or hate public speaking, I suspect you’ll get a lot out of this episode.

You can find Laurie at Tribeca Blue Consulting or on LinkedIn.

Available on iTunes, streaming on Spotify, on podcatchers everywhere, and at the Jon of All Trades homepage.

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