Ep. 269: Major Glen – Denver Rock Band

Barrett Ward (left) and Ben Brich are two members of Denver-based rock band Major Glen, and they're the guests on Ep. 269 of the Jon of All Trades Podcast, debuting October 28, 2020.
Barrett Ward (left) and Ben Brich are two members of Denver-based rock band Major Glen, and they’re the guests on Ep. 269 of the Jon of All Trades Podcast, debuting October 28, 2020.

Major Glen makes rock music that feels like it could fit in virtually any era. That’s a tribute to the talent of its members, and also just how kickass their tunes are. Barrett Ward plays rhythm guitar and sings, Ben Brich plays drums, and they comprise half of this quartet formed in Glendale, CO.

On this week’s show, we talk about their ultimate goals for the band (it might surprise you given the talent and craftsmanship involved here), why rock has a lesser place in the world than it has traditionally, how they’re going to survive one of their members being two time zones away, and who informs their sound. We also wax romantic about old music stores, record stores, video stores, and the like. It’s an incredibly fun and easy going chat between three dudes who clearly love music, and not a one of us has less than a master’s degree. [pushes glasses back up onto nose]

Be sure to check out Major Glen at their website, or on Spotify. And stay tuned to their channels because they’re working on a new album in December. I can’t wait to see they come up with next.

This episode is available on iTunes, for download on Stitcher, or at the Jon of All Trades homepage.

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