This week’s guest is Spencer Nee, who recently completed the 4,000 mile Bridge to Bridge Ride from the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, CA to the Brooklyn Bridge in Brooklyn, NY to raise money and awareness for Providence Network. Why do this? Here is Spencer in his own words:
“I woke up one morning under a dumpster lid in downtown Denver, trash liquid oozing onto my only pair of clothes. I was hungry, sick, and completely alone.
I had lost my way as years of bad decisions and alcoholism had stripped me from my family, home, friends, jobs, health, dreams, and hope. In that moment, I decided to change and found the Providence Network. Through their help, I have restored my relationships and rebuilt my life.
This trip is a chance for me to give back by raising money and awareness for an organization that I really believe in — one that gave me the structure and support I have needed to live the last seven years (and counting) sober.”
This week’s show is jam-packed as Spencer shares his harrowing and heartbreaking story of falling into the depths of addiction, how he finally received help from Providence Network, and how the idea of a cross-country bike ride came to be. He also indulges us with some stories from his 4,000 mile journey sharing what it did to his body, some of the most choice (and not-so-choice) stops along the way, and the people he touched along the way.
It’s an incredible episode, and I’m proud to bring it to you on Wednesday, September 16. You can check it out at the Jon of All Trades homepage, download it on iTunes, or stream it on Stitcher.