
Ep. 255: Dr. Lawrence Grossberg – Morris Davis Distinguished Professor of Communication and Cultural Studies, University of North Carolina

Dr. Lawrence Grossberg is Morris Davis Distinguished Professor,of Communication and Cultural Studies at University of North Carolina. He’s also the author of an article called “Another Boring Day in Paradise: Rock and Roll and the Empowerment of Everyday Life” which was one of the primary pieces of inspiration and foundation for my master’s thesis. He’s…

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First Job: Dr. Martin Carcasson

Martín Carcasson, Ph.D., is a professor in the Communication Studies department of Colorado State University, and the founder and director of the CSU Center for Public Deliberation (CPD). He’s also the first guest of 2019 on the Jon of All Trades Podcast, and his episode (Ep. 203) debuts Wednesday, January 9. But first, he shares…

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Ep. 71: Aaron Mercer – Neuroscientist

Aaron Mercer is a neuroscientist, and a research scientist with Novo Nordisk. Considering I know next to nothing about what that entails, I was extremely excited for this week’s interview. After talking to Aaron, I realized I could subtitle this episode “How To Be a Scientist.” This is my favorite type of episode to do…

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