Ep. 371: Brian Forrester & Kris Rhody – Uno Mas Taqueria

Brian Forrester (left) and Kris Rhody lead Uno Mas Taqueria and they're the guests on Ep. 371 of the Jon of All Trades Podcast, debuting September 4, 2024.
Brian Forrester (left) and Kris Rhody lead Uno Mas Taqueria and they’re the guests on Ep. 371 of the Jon of All Trades Podcast, debuting September 4, 2024.

Tacos! We’re talking about tacos! And tequila! What else do you need me to write here to get you to listen to this?

Ok, fine. Uno Mas Taqueria has been on South Pearl Street in Denver and on Olive Street in Fort Collins for the last 11 years, and Brian has been with them the entire time. Kris has been there for more than 8, and that’s emblematic of the culture they’ve created where they have low staff turnover and loyal customers. You can attribute that to them wanting to be “the bosses we never had” and thinking of a successful staff as a band where you need everyone playing in tune and listening to each other.

We also talk about their Tequila Club, how small businesses are analog spaces that help create community, the challenges of operating a restaurant in Denver in 2024, and a ton more. The biggest takeaway from this is that these are a couple of really good-hearted dudes, who run their business with thought, care and success, and they’re an absolute joy to feature. I think you’ll love it too.

Check out Uno Mas Taqueria on the web, on Instagram or at their two locations:

Denver: 1585 S. Pearl St.

Fort Collins: 120 W. Olive

Available on iTunes, streaming on Spotify, on podcatchers everywhere, and at the Jon of All Trades homepage.

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