Ep. 370: Rob Rover Rushing – Co-Founder of Punk Rock Saves Lives

Rob Rover Rushing is the Co-Founder of Punk Rock Saves Lives and he's the guest on Ep. 370 of the Jon of All Trades Podcast debuting June 26, 2024.
Rob Rover Rushing is the Co-Founder of Punk Rock Saves Lives and he’s the guest on Ep. 370 of the Jon of All Trades Podcast debuting June 26, 2024.

Rob Rover Rushing is on the road more than 300 days a year, so it was with some effort and luck that I caught him while he was home in Denver and that we were able to meet at East Fax Tap and chat for an hour. He’s the Co-Founder of Punk Rock Saves Lives.

We talk about the organization’s origins, their upcoming festival, the challenges of running an event-based nonprofit organization and a ton more. What is punk? What isn’t punk? What are the ethics of the mosh pit and how do they apply to life? Who’s playing the Punk Rock Saves Lives Festival? (Rob actually answers this question over the course of the last 10 minutes of this episode) He’s a thoughtful, caring, hardworking dude and someone I feel blessed to be in a similar orbit with.

Check out the Punk Rock Saves Lives website, the Ratio Beerworks website, and then join me for the Punk Rock Saves Lives Festival July 5-7.

Available on iTunes, streaming on Spotify, on podcatchers everywhere, and at the Jon of All Trades homepage.

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