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I don’t generally make firm new year’s resolutions for the same reason I don’t make specific plans for when I go on vacation – you only open yourself to disappointment. However, in the spirit of not shitting all over yet another commonly held cultural tradition again, I implore you to take the opportunity a fresh…

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I always feel like I’m on the verge of writing the next great pop song. I feel the art within me dying to break free and a big, beautiful hook that enraptures the masses with its incessant catchiness and wins over the music cognoscenti with its subtle instrumentation and gentle nuance. Experiences universal, yet uniquely…

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Today is Christmas Eve. You are almost certainly preparing for/looking forward to/dreading spending time with your friends and family today and/or tomorrow. Good luck with whatever the hell you’re doing the next two days. I imagine within the last two weeks or so, you attended (or at least heard about) your company’s holiday party. I…

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You know how horses can take a dump while they’re running or walking, but the same is not true of peeing? I assume the same is true for humans given that I’ve seen Raab Himself shit himself while running full speed on one of those old CKY videos, which is just about the only proof…

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I was hungover for seven fucking hours in the car. It was worth it though because the wife and I were in the thick of a brutal three week travel stretch where we were little more than two ships passing in the night. We bought tickets to Ska Brewing’s 17th Anniversary Party, which featured more…

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I rarely find a fellow traveler that impresses me. As I’ve talked about before, I travel plenty, and I know what I’m doing. I walk with purpose, I don’t block thoroughfares and I know where the fuck I’m going. I wish I could throw away people’s luggage the way George Clooney does to Anna Kendrick…

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We play a fucklot of trivia. Our most frequent trivia outings happen at places that feature Geeks Who Drink pub quizzes where we usually acquit ourselves well and finish in the top 3 teams which merits house cash as a prize. It’s two of our favorite things – nerdery and alcohol. We’re going to Austin…

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If I have to name a least favorite food, I would say it’s anything that comes out of a hotel catering kitchen served in a big chafing dish. Doesn’t matter what it is, if I’m in some fucking banquet hall or conference room that’s cold enough to hang sides of beef at 12:30 in the…

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When it was released in 1994, my parents forbid me from seeing Pulp Fiction. I’m sure the reasons provided included the rampant drug use, gratuitous violence, and extensive profanity. But thinking back on it now, I’m pretty sure the sole reason was the whole sequence surrounding the redneck pawn shop owner and his security guard…

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I have learned that not only am I boring as shit when my wife is out of town, I was likely always this boring. She’s been gone all this week on business, and inevitably whenever I tell people that, I get the same dumbass mouth-breathing response. “Oh, well you’re batchin’ it this week. Look out!”…

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